Pipeline Project

Our community is aware of the  shortage of CPAs entering the career field at a time where more and more of our colleagues are choosing to retire. The difficulties finding staff members have driven the need for alternative methods such as outsourcing work, using AI to optimize staff time, etc. These options come with their own challenges.

The VSCPA is actively working in this area on multiple fronts. As a chapter, we are stepping up to help. NCVSCPA has reinstated the pipeline student scholarship and awarded $5,000 to this year’s scholarship fund at the George Mason School of Business.

Another facet of reaching students is having current CPAs go into classrooms or other student settings to talk about their career experience and love of accounting. The George Mason staff shared how their students respond especially well to seeing GMU Alumni.

The VSCPA has created a Speaker’s Bureau available to local educators. This is essentially a curated list of CPAs who are willing to speak to students. CPAs share the locations they are willing to cover, topics they were willing to discuss, and their general availability. Educators can request a speaker from the VSCPA website. Learn more here: https://www.vscpa.com/volunteer-cpas-in-classroom

Want to help? 
There are two ways to support the chapter’s current efforts:
  1. Donate to the NCVSCPA Pipeline Scholarship Fund - Watch for the link coming soon to our home page.
  2. Sign up with the CPA Speaker’s Bureau. — You can note how far you are willing to travel and the topics you are comfortable addressing. Sign up here: https://www.vscpa.com/volunteer-cpas-in-classroom
Want to be more involved?
Send a note to michele@NCVSCPA.org and we will get you connected to the conversation.
NCVSCPA Newsletter - July 2024 -- What's your SIG?

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