May 2024 President's Letter
Northern Chapter of the VSCPA

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President's Letter

Hello Northern Chapter,
My name is Moe Sadeghi and I have the honor of serving as your chapter president for the 2024-2025 fiscal year. This is an exciting year for our chapter. Our incoming board of directors is the largest it has been in recent history and the excitement these volunteers are bringing to the chapter is going to catapult us for the next 12 months and longer. I’d like to share my goals for the next year.

  1. We want to continue to offer high quality CPE events with knowledgeable presenters that are relevant to our members. We want to accomplish this through both our chapter meetings and our Special Interest Groups. Providing a variety of in-person/hybrid meetings along with virtual presentations, the chapter is looking to provide close to 30 hours of CPE. Some events include:
  • Our flagship meeting, the Annual Tri-State Tax Update held in January.
  • Discounted VSCPA ethics courses held in June and July.
  • Dedicated SIGs to our industry practices meeting through the year.
  • Our monthly chapter meetings.
  1. We want to encourage volunteering. The remarkable outreach achieved in the past year serves as a strong foundation to build upon it. There are numerous ways to contribute, including organizing chapter meetings, leading special interest group (SIG) events, or hosting networking events. We look forward to discussing how you can get involved.
  2. We hope to begin building a bridge for the next generation of CPAs in the Northern VA region. As the industry and our profession face challenges, I hope that we as a chapter can provide guidance to the next group of members.
  3. We have had an increase in membership for the past few years and we hope to continue that trend. Members realize the value of the events we offer, and membership means that members never pay guests fees to any events except our reduced cost Ethics courses. Do you have friends and colleagues that would benefit from membership? You don’t need to be a member of the VSCPA to join! Membership in any state society is the only criteria. Please refer your friends and colleagues to our membership page.
Please renew your membership today! Early bird renewal rates will be in effect until May 31st. However, you won’t want to wait that long! There are already several CPE sessions available, including two separate Ethics sessions over the summer. If you want to maximize your membership, now is the time to renew!
I want to thank our members again for this opportunity.
Moe Sadeghi
President – Northern Chapter VSCPA 
NCVSCPA Newsletter - May 2024 President's Letter