Welcome to the Northern Chapter VSCPA! We are excited to announce our 2018-2019 program year with some great events planned. Be sure to visit our
events page and mark your calendars now.
May kicked us off with a deeper dive into TCJA's QBI Requirements (IRC 199A), which we first started looking at in February. We also re-introduced our Personal Financial Planning Meetings with an in depth look at ElderCare. Many members also satisfied their 2018 Regulatory Ethics requirement, attending our presentation which rolled out a new hosting format for the class, which was well received. If you missed out on Ethics in May and are interested in a course through the Northern Chapter, please send an email to
info@ncvscpa.org We are contemplating running the course again later this year as an add on to our already scheduled events.
All Members should have received a special invitation to our next Chapter-wide event (1 CPE) on July 13th, a special Town Hall Meeting with Dr. Raphael Bostic, President and CEO of the Atlanta Federal Reserve. We are providing our members the opportunity to personally meet and interact with him in an informal setting with the intent to obtain answers to the pressing economic concerns keeping all of us up at night. Questions may be submitted in advance via
registration or via
email, so that we can adequately prepare to moderate the Q/A session.
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) were also hard at work in May hosting 4 separate events. SIGs are a great way to explore topics most relevant to your area of focus. We encourage you to take a look at the SIGs and join those of interest. Joining a SIG allows you to receive SIG specific event invitations (only to those you join), access to past event presentation material,
as well as email the group with questions or other useful content. To view a list of our Special Interest Groups and join a group, please log into your member account and from the Member Menu, select Engagement - Special Interest Groups. You may also quickly add yourself by updating your Member Profile.
2018-2019 Board of Directors kicked off the year with a preplanning meeting to discuss goals for the upcoming year, including developing a plan for Chapter Sustainability. If you have interest in becoming more involved in YOUR Chapter, or have suggestions to enhance your membership experience, please email
chydercpa@hyderva.com The Board meets regularly so you can expect your voice to be heard.
I hope everyone has a fun and relaxing summer, and I hope to see you at our
Special Member only event on July 13th!
Cheryl Hyder
Northern Chapter VSCPA President 2018-2019